Gaurav Thakkar

My name is Gaurav Thakkar and I’m 22 years old. I've had a unique journey starting from my infancy when I was diagnosed with hydrocephalus.

The treatment involved surgically inserting a shunt into a ventricle to drain excess brain fluid. Unfortunately, the fluid build-up led to pressure on my brain, resulting to a damage to the right side of my brain and a disruption of oxygen and blood flow. This initial diagnosis of hydrocephalus eventually led to my diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy.

I currently work as an Enrolment Centre Assistant at Melbourne Polytechnic, where I support students by providing them with exceptional assistance in their educational journey. Professionally, I’m passionate about cybersecurity and technology, where I strive to make a positive impact by helping others navigate the digital world.

Beyond my professional ventures, I actively engage in community initiatives, such as an advisor for CP-Achieve. This community involvements not only positively impacts society but it also provides me with a strong sense of purpose and satisfaction.