Research Partners involved in CP-Achieve

As well as being part of Advisory Groups, people with cerebral palsy and their families work with individual research projects and activities of CP-Achieve. These consumer research partners are involved early in the projects where possible and in each part of the research. They co-develop ethics applications, study designs, study materials, reports and presentations. They may be involved in data collection, analysis and interpretation. These research partners get to know the research  well and their knowledge of life with cerebral palsy makes sure every part of the research is meaningful and important.

Here is what one person with cerebral palsy said about being involved as a research partner:

"CP-Achieve has changed my life, I am now more willing to connect, learn, and advocate for others through every aspect of my involvement".

To become a research partner, people with cerebral palsy and their families may express an interest in being involved in a project, or join an advisory group first.

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